JAPAN!!-47 prefectures-

JAPAN!!-47 prefectures-


・Kamakura Great Buddha (Kamakura Dai-Butsu)

Kamakura Great Buddha

It is a huge statue of Buddha which is one size smaller than the Nara Great Buddha.

You can enter inside.

・Ugafuku-jinja Shrine (Ugafuku-jinja)

Zeniarai Benten Zeniarai Benten2

It is known as "Zeniarai Benten". People believe that the money washed here may increase later.

Some people wash paper money, to increase money a lot.

Because I did not want to get paper money wet, I washed a bank card.

・Sea of Syonan

Sea of Syonan

Because there is no sea in Saitama, I jealous that people of Kanagawa have the Sea of Syonan.

・Bowl of Young Sardines and Rice (Shirasu-Don)

Bowl of Young Sardines and Rice

Syonan district is famous for some young sardines that is called Shirasu.

You can eat the fresh Shirasu raw.

・Umi-shibaura Station

Umi-shibaura Station

It is the station which is the nearest to the sea. Because it is the site of factory of Toshiba, you cannot go out the ticket gate.

Because Umi-shibaura station is a terminal, the train departs to the opposite direction in a few minutes.

Let's get on this train to return.

・Yokohama Ie-kei Ramen

Yokohama Ie-kei Ramen

The features of this noodles were the topping of seaweed and spinach, and the soup of pork bones and soy sauce. It is delicious.

・Cup-noodles Museum ←I love this.☆☆☆

Cup-noodles Museum

Cup-noodles Museum Cup-noodles Museum

You can make a cup of instant noodles choosing the soup and the topping. It is fun.

It is in Minato-Mirai.

日本語版(Japanese version)


Aomori Akita Iwate Yamagata Miyagi Fukushima

Gunma Tochigi Ibaraki Saitama Tokyo Chiba Kanagawa

Niigata Toyama Ishikawa Fukui Nagano Yamanashi Shizuoka Gifu Aichi

Shiga Mie Wakayama Nara Kyoto Osaka Hyogo

Tottori Shimane Okayama Hiroshima Yamaguchi

Kochi Tokushima Kagawa Ehime

Fukuoka Saga Nagasaki Oita Kumamoto Miyazaki Kagoshima


An extra page―Five continents!!―

★Author profile★


Saitama-shi-no-SAWADA(SAWADA of Saitama City)

I live in Saitama City. My favorite prefecture is Saitama.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel.

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